From Face to Face to Virtual Teaching - Live Session Recording from the 25th November 2020

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Throughout November 2020, the Health Education England TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) team has hosted a series of live sessions in collaboration with Lisa Hadfield-Law to help support educators across the NHS who have moved from traditional face to face teaching to virtual teaching online. 

Learning outcomes have included learning about the best practice tools and techniques for teaching virtually in addition to support on how to deliver effectively online using Microsoft Teams as the tool.  Sessions will continue in December, January and February 2021 with further support in learning resources and training to come.

Due to unprecedented numbers of learners wanting to attend these events, we want to share a recording from the live session on 25 November 2020, please do share or signpost this to colleagues who you feel would benefit and thank you to everybody who contributed to these sessions so far.

Thank you.

The TEL Team

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Contributed to: Community contributions
Community resources are online learning and digital materials provided by the wider Learning Hub community that anyone can contribute to.
Contributed by: Kully Mangat
Authored by: Kully Mangat, Health Education England
Lisa Hadfield-Law, Health Education England
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 03 December 2020
First contributed: 03 December 2020
Audience access level: Full user


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