Emergency Tracheostomy Manangement Covid-19

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With the increased number of covid 19 positive critical care patients requiring tracheostomy and being transferred to step down ward, skills training and a new guide was required to ensure patient safety. The training focused on emergency management of a partially / completely blocked or displaced tracheostomy. This guide was for doctors and nurses on the ward post intensive care as well as anaesthetic team. We ammended the National Tracheostomy Safety Project guidance to make it safer for healthcare staff by reducing risk of aerosol while managing displaced or blocked tracheostomy for patients with covid 19. This docuent was approved by local medical tactical group. The training deliverd was 'tea trolley' type skills and drills in the clinical areas.

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Contributed to: Community contributions
Community resources are online learning and digital materials provided by the wider Learning Hub community that anyone can contribute to.
Contributed by: Gemma Wrighton
Authored by: Dr Manisha Shah, Medway NHS Foundation Trust Simulation Lead
Licence: Creative commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 28 May 2020
Audience access level: Full user


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