HEE Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme

IFPP: Getting Exam ready session 2

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To support your preparation for the upcoming GPhC registration assessment, we are preparing a series of videos to get you ‘exam ready’. This should be used in conjunction with the Exam Game Plan guide available on the Learning Hub. These aim to focus your revision by helping you to create a good study plan and provide practical solutions to manage your nerves. Our second video focuses on:  

  • creating your support network 

  • exploring the resources that are relevant to your learning needs 

  • describing your preferred learning style(s) 

  • identifying revision strategies that will accelerate your learning. 

The final session will be shared later in February to provide tips for last minute preparation, coping with exam anxiety and health and wellbeing. 

Resource details

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Contributed by: HEE Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme
Authored by: David Gibson, North School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, Associate Dean Foundation Pharmacists
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 30 April 2021
First contributed: 29 January 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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