Ambitions Partnership

Adapting bereavement services during COVID-19

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Bereavement poster Marie Curie - volunteer led service. Since 2017, Marie Curie has provided a volunteer-led service at Musgrove Park Hospital. Trained volunteers provide emotional and practical support for people at end of life, and emotional support, respite, and signposting for families. 

Including back ground, evaluation and conclusion. 

The current service model sees volunteers telephoning next of kin 4 weeks following the bereavement, a time frame which was adjusted in response to service user feedback. 4 weeks between bereavement and intervention appears to maintain balance between allowing time for initial grief reaction (practical and emotional) while ensuring people still feel connected and supported in the early period of grief. Following the initial call, individuals can choose whether to receive follow-on support; if accepted, they will receive up to 3 calls from a named volunteer who can provide practical and emotional bereavement support.

Additional information

This poster was due to be presented at the Ambitions Partnership conference in July 2020. Due to Covid restrictions this event was cancelled. This poster was approved by the Ambitions Partnership editorial team for publication on this site.

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: Ambitions Partnership
Authored by: Julia Bearne, Marie Curie, Community Development and Engagement Manager
Donna Nicholas, Marie Curie, Evaluation and impact officer
Authored on: 0 January 2021
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 22 March 2021
First contributed: 19 February 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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