Ambitions Partnership

Re-purposing a ward in an Acute Trust to deliver outstanding EOLC during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster

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During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic we repurposed a ward in the Urgent and Emergency Care Division, dedicated to caring for those patients who were sadly dying from coronavirus. The ward was developed as part of the Trusts preparedness to deal with the Covid-19 crisis and staff readily demonstrated the ability to adapt and interchange their approach to support the delivery of compassionate, quality end of life care (EOLC) at one of the most challenging of times.Medical support was led by a Consultant in Urgent and Emergency Care; a recognised Palliative Care Leader for the Trust. The EOLC Team, Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPC) and Chaplaincy Team gave practical and emotional support alongside the Ward Leader, Matron and Head of Nursing providing leadership, direction and guidance to staff.Top up training was offered to staff on topics such as symptom management and courageous conversations.

Additional information

This poster was due to be presented at the Ambitions Partnership conference in July 2020. Due to Covid restrictions this event was cancelled. This poster was approved by the Ambitions Partnership editorial team for publication on this site.

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: Ambitions Partnership
Authored by: Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust
Mid Nottingham Integrated Care Partnership
Authored on: 0 January 2021
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 22 March 2021
First contributed: 19 February 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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