Ambitions Partnership

Improving the management of clinical calls into a specialist palliative care service. Poster with audio.

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Improving the management of clinical calls into a specialist palliative care service.

Background: Rowans Hospice is a charitable organisation which provides Specialist Palliative Care for the population of Portsmouth City and South East Hampshire. Hospice services include: inpatient unit hospice at home, bereavement support, out patient service, MDT working and support for community and hospital palliative care teams.  

Aim: To improve the response to clinical calls into Rowans Hospice. 

Additional information

This poster was due to be presented at the Ambitions Partnership conference in July 2020. Due to Covid restrictions this event was cancelled. This poster was approved by the Ambitions Partnership editorial team for publication on this site.

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: Ambitions Partnership
Authored by: Dr Natalie Davies, Health Education England, Quality Improvement Fellowship
Authored on: 0 December 2020
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 22 March 2021
First contributed: 19 February 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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