Ambitions Partnership

COVID-19 Palliative Care Communication Training. Poster

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Background:  The COVID-19 pandemic led to an urgent need to up-skill healthcareprofessionals (HCPs) redeployed to COVID-19 wards to confidently have challenging conversations ,including breaking bad news,by phone.

Aim:  To develop a socially distanced communication skills course to upskill HCPs in having difficult conversations remotely.

Authors:  Rosemary Doherty, Catherine Mc Gowan, Huon Snelgrove, Muireann Kelleher, Tim Benepal, Catherine Cosgrove, May Samways, Fiona McCarthy, Sophie Miller, Grace Poole, Asanga Fernando St Georges University Hospital; St Georges University School of Medicine 

Additional information

This poster was due to be presented at the Ambitions Partnership conference in July 2020. Due to Covid restrictions this event was cancelled. This poster was approved by the Ambitions Partnership editorial team for publication on this site.

Resource details

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Contributed by: Ambitions Partnership
Authored by: St Georges University Hospital; St Georges University School of Medicine
Rosemary Doherty, St Georges University Hospital; St Georges University School of Medicine
Authored on: 0 January 2021
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 22 March 2021
First contributed: 19 February 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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