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E-health and Mobile Apps in the NHS
This resource details how mobile phone applications are currently being used as an "e-health" solution to supporting healthcare delivery within the NHS. The potential opportunities and barriers to wide-scale use within the NHS are explored, as well as potential Healthcare Science. A summary of the apps catalogued within the NHS App Library is given, alongside suggestions of alternative ways they could be used to manage the COVID-19 crisis. The barriers to integrating e-health solutions to NHS pathways are explored, as well as potential solutions for successful adoption.
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Written by David Boor, Naima Fredericks, Jasmine Lister and Ben Harris.
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Community contributions Community resources are online learning and digital materials provided by the wider Learning Hub community that anyone can contribute to. |
Contributed by: | Naima Fredericks |
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Licence: | Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences |
First contributed: | 21 July 2020 |
Audience access level: | Full user |
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