WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)

Advancing Research Careers for Under-recognised groups in AHPs across the South West

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Extract from Introduction

Research is fundamental to health and social care, ensuring patients receive up-to-date evidencebasedcare. Organisations that prioritise research and innovation provide enhanced care quality,patient safety and patient experience alongside providing opportunities for staff to develop theirresearch skills, leading to improved workforce retention (Jonker et al 2019). Key strategies suchas the Health Education England (HEE; 2022) ‘AHPs Research and Innovation Strategy’ and the‘Developing a Research Skilled Workforce’ (HEE 2022) have been developed to encourageequitable access to AHP research development opportunities. To the team’s knowledge, there isno definition of under-recognised AHPs in research careers and there is no data regarding the typeand amount of research activity being carried out by AHPs within the South West (Bath and NorthEast Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW), Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire(BNSSG), Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire and Somerset). The aim of this project wasto identify under-recognised groups within AHPs and explore the barriers, enablers andrecommendations to maximise equitable research development opportunities.

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A co-produced exploration into the barriers and enablers of research career progression for under-recognised groups in AHPs across the South West of England.

Resource details

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Contributed by: WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)
Authored by: Katie Williams
Jessica Coggins
Dr Jen Pearson
Dr Ralph Hammond
Authored on: 1 March 2024
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 30 April 2024
First contributed: 05 April 2024
Audience access level: General user


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