Artificial Intelligence

NHS in the driving seat: building a clinically-led AI ecosystem

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Working with UK SMEs, medical multinationals, and a burgeoining clinical academic community, the AI Centre has trodden the path of prototype to pilot many times over. A panel of experts from NHS, Academic and Industry discussed the trials and triumphs of building an ecosystem of AI innovation.

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Panelists: Seb Ourselin, Deputy Director, AI Centre, King's College London Haris Shuaib, Head of Clinical Scientific Computing, AI Centre, GSTT Jorge Cardoso, CTO, AI Centre, King's College London Sarah Blake, Clinical AI Fellow, AI Centre David Be

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: Artificial Intelligence
Authored by: Digital Health London
Licence: More information on licences
First contributed: 11 June 2024
Audience access level: Full user


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