Authored by Dr Jonathan Corne, Dr Robert Powell, & Dr Nigel Scarborough, Health Education England, Postgraduate Deans - HEE East Midlands - Nathan Jones, Health Education England, Regional Assessments & Revalidation Lead - HEE Midlands
Authored by Mr Hari Ratan, Health Education England, Director of Innovation and Communication - Professor Nicola Cooper, University of Nottingham/Health Education England, Consultant Physician & Clinical Associate Professor in Medical Education, TPD AIM - Mr Usman Ahmed, Princess Royal Hospital/Health Education England, Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, TPD for Education - Core Surgical Training West Midlands
Authored by Dr Jonathan Corne, Dr Robert Powell, Dr Nigel Scarborough & Dr Edward Briggs, Health Education England, Postgraduate Deans - HEE East Midlands - Amy Ashford, Health Education England, Stakeholder Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning