HEE Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme

IFPP- Resilience managing challenges

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This seris of short videos include a range of tips and techniques to help build resilience, manage transitions into work, build confidence, manage setbacks and stresses and to help keep well.

Dr Alicia Peña Bizama is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist and an Occupational Psychologist. She has worked both in the NHS and in the private sector and was the Head of Student Wellbeing at the University of Reading until August 2017. She now works part-time at the university managing the Life Tools programme that she designed and delivers to students at the university. It is a psycho-educational programme focused on providing training for students’ personal and professional development, including self-management and building resilience to maintain health and well-being. She also works as an independent consultant working with individuals and groups providing training and individual consultations to develop knowledge and skills

Resource details

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Contributed by: HEE Interim Foundation Pharmacist Programme
Authored by: Alicia Peña Bizama, Independent Consultant
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 02 July 2021
First contributed: 16 April 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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