155 Miscellaneous Catalogue Items

155 Level 3 Safeguarding Adults and Children "Think Family" E-learning

1 out of 5 (1 rating)
  • To be able to identify possible signs of abuse, drawing on professional and clinical expertise
  • To understand what constitutes abuse including the effects of carer behaviour and family factors on both adults and children at risk
  • To know how to contribute to, and make considered judgements about how to act to safeguard including escalation as part of this process
  • Know how to share information appropriately, taking into consideration confidentiality and data-protection issues and record decisions made


  • Have awareness of resources and services that may be available within health and other agencies, including the voluntary sector, to support families

Resource details

Contributed by: 155 Miscellaneous Catalogue Items
Authored by: darren mills, South Tyneside and Sunderland Foundation Trust
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 01 December 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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