NHS England North West RePAIR Hub

The development of a Neurodiversity Toolkit to support Neurodivergent learners and those in practice supporting them

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Learners who are neurodivergent in clinical practice in Cheshire and Merseyside; what are their requirements and what resources are available to them?

The development of a Neurodiversity Toolkit to support Neurodivergent learners and those in practice supporting them.

Contributed by: NHS England North West RePAIR Hub
Authored by: Katie Fisher, Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust, Practice Education Facilitator
Mark Arnold, Liverpool John Moores University, Senior Lecturer
Sallie Kelsey, Countess of Chester NHS Trust, Head of Education
Jo Sullivan, The University of Salford, Senior Lecturer
Shirley Watson-Higham, Warrington and Halton NHS Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Practice Education Facilitator
Nichola Spinney, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Practice Education Facilitator
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 30 June 2023
First contributed: 14 June 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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