WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)

An evaluation of the CAPS refugee doctor scheme in London – a survey of outcomes

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Extract from Abstract:

The NHS faces challenges in recruiting and retaining clinicians. The NHS Long Term Plan aims to increase NHS staffing levels asone of its objectives. With adequate support, refugee doctors can help to fill gaps in staffing and to deliver high quality patient care.There is also a moral imperative to support this group, to promote inclusion and equality. London is the only region in England to offerrefugee doctors the opportunity of a funded 6 month supernumerary F2 role with access to a bespoke education programme and tothe resources offered by the Professional Support Unit (PSU). Our aim was to evaluate retention rates of refugee doctors in the NHSfollowing this 6 month placement.
Between October 2009 (at the inception of CAPS) to March 2020, 85 refugee doctors entered the CAPS programme. Of the 48doctors who responded to our questionnaire, 45 are still working in the NHS (93.8%). Most are working as non-training grade doctorsacross a range of hospital specialties (47%) but general practice was the single most popular career choice (29%).

Link to published article online:https://doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2020.1857662

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Please note, this article is an ‘author’s proof’ and may differ slightly from the final published version. This version is kindly supplied by the author and is in line with the copyright arrangements with the publisher for the author to supply copies

Resource details

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Contributed by: WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)
Authored by: Rupal Shah, Associate Dean and Education Lead Professional Development Team
Abdul Moodambail, Consultant paediatrician
Mohammad Alam, Consultant paediatrician
Deena Ragiwala, Senior Officer Professional Development Team
Fahira Mulamehic, Employment Programmes Manager Refugee Council
Authored on: 30 September 2020
Licence: Creative commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International More information on licences
Last updated: 30 April 2024
First contributed: 18 September 2023
Audience access level: General user


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