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Respiratory Medicine Regional Training Day - NTM_Fungal_infection 1 of 3
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Respiratory Infection SpR Training Day
Nov 15th 2023
Foetal Medicine Unit, KCH
915 Registration, Introduction
930Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis
Jerry Brown, UCLH
1015 Invasive Respiratory Infections in the Immunocompromised
Meg Coleman, Imperial
1130 Respiratory Viral Infections
Temi Lampejo, KCH
1215 Community Acquired Pneumonia
Jimstan Periselneris, KCH
1315 Lunch
1415 Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
Anand Shah, RBH
1500 Drug resistant bacterial infections
Ricardo Jose, RBH
1545 End of meeting
Resource details
Contributed by: | NHSE Respiratory Medicine Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day |
Authored by: |
Licence: | © All rights reserved More information on licences |
First contributed: | 17 November 2023 |
Audience access level: | Full user |
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