Virtual and Hybrid Learning Faculty (VHLF) – Increasing Your Impact

VHLF: Self-Care: Because you just can't pour from an empty cup (video)

Certificate available: complete this course to be awarded a certificate

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This video is a summary of the masterclass Dr Tim delivered in which we explore how as healthcare professionals we are great at looking after others but often not so good at looking after ourselves for many reasons.

Deepen your understanding of evidence-based approaches to wellbeing and quality of life improvements you can introduce into your practice.

Additional information

As part of the Virtual and Hybrid Learning Faculty (VHLF), this on-demand resource aims to increase educator's impact, confidence and capabilities when designing, developing and delivering virtual and hybrid learning.

Resource details

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Contributed by: Virtual and Hybrid Learning Faculty (VHLF) – Increasing Your Impact
Authored by: VHLF Programme, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Team, NHS England
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 30 September 2024
First contributed: 21 November 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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