Clinical and Educational Supervision

Clinical Supervision for Healthcare Professionals e-learning module

4.3 out of 5 (6 ratings)

TheGeneral Medical Council(GMC) published a phased process for implementing new arrangements for accrediting Trainers in August 2012. Four key milestones were outlined in the Paper “Recognising and approving trainers: the implementation plan".

All Trusts, as Local Education Providers,currently need to have met the Milestone 3 criteria. This requires confirming that full information has been entered for all medical trainers in the named Educational Supervisor and named Clinical Supervisor roles and categorised as provisionally or fully trained.

HEE YH has facilitated this process by developing a blended e- learning programme for all supervisors that meets the professional standards for trainers from the Academy of Medical Educators.

Furthermore to assist LEP's in compliance, and as required by the GMC, the LETB has developed a trainer accreditation policy, which can be found on the HEE YHpoliciessection of the Deanery website (

Resource details

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Contributed by: Clinical and Educational Supervision
Authored by: Prof Dominic Patterson, Health Education England
Licence: Creative commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 14 April 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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