Burns Incident Response Team (BIRTs)
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BIRT Mandatory reading and e-learning

1A - Mandatory: BIRTs - Concept of Operations for the Management of Mass Casualties

1B - Mandatory: BIRTs - Concept of Operations for the Management of Mass Casualties - Burns Annex

1C - Mandatory: BIRTs Role Training Video

1C(R) - Mandatory - Burns Annex - BIRT Information Pack 2023

1D - Mandatory: BIRT Simulation Video of a Clinical Assessment

1E - Mandatory: BIRTs - An Introduction to Human Factors and Patient Safety

1F - Mandatory: BIRT - Communication Skills (CUSS)

1G - Mandatory: BIRT - Defensible Decision Making

1I - Mandatory: BIRT - Emergency Response in the NHS

1J - Mandatory: BIRT - JESIP Awareness

1K - Mandatory: Simulation video of a JESIP Pre-brief of Deployed BIRT

1L - Mandatory: BIRT - NHS On-Call Arrangements

1M - Mandatory: BIRT - Working with your Loggist

1N - Mandatory: BIRT - Psychological First Aid (PFA)