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Children's Long Term Ventilation - Occupational Therapists Forum

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There is a growing population of children in the UK who are dependent upon long-term ventilation support, both invasive and non-invasive.

There are many challenges for this patient group: Multi-pathology; Housing issues; suitable specialist equipment; Promotion of functional performance and independence while on the ventilator; and Long hospital stays limiting social and developmental opportunities, impacting upon the development of skills in early life.

There is a developing role for Occupational Therapists working with this client group: supporting the complex discharge from the hospital; providing developmental interventions during lengthy hospital stays; and specialist community input supporting key life transitions.

This page has been set up to support the extending network of Occupational Therapists who are becoming involved in LTV care. Please feel free to browse this resource, and all contributions, ideas and suggestions will be welcomed with open arms!

Please submit these by email to the page admins and who can upload them onto the system.