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East of England Cancer Health Equity

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East of England Cancer Health Equity

A place where all professionals involved in the care of people affected by cancer in the East of England can learn and work together to address health inequalities.
You will work through online content to embed your learning and hear people's lived experience.

Did you know?
Here are some examples of health inequalities in cancer care. They are unfair and we need to change this. Let's join together to find out how.
• People who live in poorer areas are more likely to get cancer and more often it will be diagnosed at an advanced stage
• People from ethnic minority backgrounds report poorer experiences of cancer care and have lower survival rates for certain types of cancer
• Homeless people have high rates of cancer risk factors, later stage diagnoses and increased cancer death.
• The number of men getting cancer is rising and they have a higher likelihood of dying from cancer. Black men are more likely to get cancer at a younger age.

Course curriculum
• An introduction to health inequalities - This section will give you foundation knowledge about the social determinants of health and health inequalities
• Health inequalities in cancer care - You will understand the disparities that exist between different population groups in the cancer care pathway and some common barriers
• Identity, intersectionality and cultural competence - Here you will come to understand culture, identity and intersectionality and how this can help you deliver patient centred care for equity
• Inclusion health and cancer care - Here you will learn about inclusion health and the particular barriers, and how you might seek to overcome these, for marginalised groups.
• Equity through the cancer care pathway - Here we take a look at the cancer care pathway from promotion and screening through to end of life care, and consider how we can care for equity throughout
• Palliative and end of life care - This section explores how you can deliver care that improves palliative and end of life care for patients from disadvantaged groups.

Target audience
Any professional in the East of England who is in contact with people affected by cancer.