East of England Cancer Health Equity
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Cancer care for marginalised people

Understanding the homeless experience - Clarissa

The following video explores issues around access and barriers to healthcare for homeless patients. 

WARNING: the video contains scenes related to abuse and exploitation that some viewers may find distressing.

  • What biases, assumptions and prejudices might you hold consciously or unconsciously about people who are homeless?
  • Have you met patients like Clarissa? How do you think the outreach worker felt at times in the video?
  • How likely is Clarissa to be able to prioritise her health, attend screening or access her GP if she had a concern about her health?

Watch the video

Black, Asian and ethnic minority people

Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

People experiencing homelessness

The LGBTQIA community

Men's health

People with a learning disability and autistic people

Prisons and secure environments

Sex workers

Vulnerable migrants