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Health Equity Assessment Tool

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The Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) has refreshed the Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT) developed by Public Health England (PHE) to enable professionals and communities to systematically identify and address health inequalities and equity in their work programmes or services. This elearning supports the use of the tool, providing the context and purpose, outlining the benefits of using the tool, and taking the learner step-by-step through each stage of the tool. It also provides a general introduction to health inequalities and equity, as well as, examples of good practice.
Alongside this elearning, you may find the tool and additional resources on the OHID HEAT website. For enquiries relating the operation of the tool email HEAT-Tool@DHSC.Gov.UK.
This publication is an essential guide for those working in the health and public health arenas to apply a strong inequalities and equity focus to their work.

Duration: 20 minutes

This elearning module has been jointly developed with OHID Centres and Regions and the wider audience of stakeholders.