Inclusive training within practice for healthcare learners and international staff

Culturally Appropriate Wellbeing Support

This training programme is designed for Clinical Mental Health Practitioners as a professional development programme. Practitioners include Psychotherapist, Psychologist / Counselling Psychologist, or trained Counsellor/Therapists.

This programme is curated by the ITP project and delivered by a third party training provider. 

The aim of the programme is to ensure clinical mental health and wellbeing practitioners are equipped to offer a more inviting and welcoming wellbeing service for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and international students and staff, and to equip practitioners with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver this service effectively.

The programme enables participants to recognise the lived experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and international staff and students in healthcare and education, deconstruct their own biases, identify the importance of their understanding of how race, racism, ethnicity and difference impact their wellbeing work and make a plan of action to ensure their work and, therefore, the wider wellbeing service is more accessible.

See the programme outline for full details.


The training programme incorporates the Inclusive Training within Practice Project’s two golden threads and three key themes:

Golden Threads: 1) Critical Race Theory 2) Avoiding the Deficit Model

Key Themes: 1) Racial Literacy 2) Power Dynamics 3) Reflective and Reflexive Practice


This programme has been developed by Kimberley Filler (Fuller Psychotherapy) for the Inclusive Training within Practice Project with insights and feedback from healthcare placement providers, education providers, learners and staff from across the South West.