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Anti-racism in Education and in Healthcare
Workplace racism occurs in various guises. At a cultural level, we see it most clearly in our personal and interpersonal interactions. At its worst and most harmful manifestation, it is embedded, and often invisible within systemic and institutional forms, causing structural violence.
This section offers an anti-racism train-the-trainer programme outline and racial literacy definition videos. Additional learning resources will be added in the coming months.
#EnabledAnti-racism has been curated by the ITP project and is delivered by a third party training provider. The programme uses a two-stage Train-the-Trainer approach to equip participants with the knowledge and confidence to deliver anti-racist training, improving the racial literacy of anyone in their workplace, whether a receptionist, educator or senior managers.
This programme aims to educate participants from the healthcare and education workforces on how to identify, challenge and dismantle the racism which occurs as a feature of workplace culture. It will provide participants with the tools needed to become effective advocates for changing the social conditions and organisational policies and practices perpetuating discriminatory interactions between people of different ethnic groups.
The programme incorporates the Inclusive Training within Practice Project’s two golden threads and three key themes:
Golden Threads: 1) Critical Race Theory 2) Avoiding the Deficit Model
Key Themes: 1) Racial Literacy 2) Power Dynamics 3) Reflective and Reflexive Practice
This programme has been developed by Dr. Toyin Agbetu for the Inclusive Training within Practice Project with insights and feedback from healthcare placement providers, education providers, learners and staff from across the South West.