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Management of Procedure-Induced Anxiety in Children

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This core competency training programme provides a comprehensive account of research evidence, illustrating the prevalence, consequences and strategies for managing and reducing procedure-induced anxiety in children. Disseminating this information will significantly improve quality of care and outcome in terms of short-term, intermediate and long-term psychological trauma and morbidity amongst children undergoing medical interventions.

Those completing this training will have an enhanced understanding of research which confirms that a majority of children experience anxiety and a significant proportion of patients remember their negative experiences, suffer longer-term disturbances in behaviour and psychological morbidity. Additionally, they will gain an in-depth understanding of a full spectrum of management strategies that reduce anxiety, and the psychological trauma and morbidity children sustain as a consequence of their negative experiences. This will allow them to begin to master these strategies and integrate them within their standard practice.

We see this understanding and training as a minimum core competency for all medical professionals and support staff who work with and care for children, particularly children requiring any form of medical intervention.