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National induction for health and social care

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The national induction programme is for everyone new to a role in health and social care. It is designed to support and equip new starters with a clear understanding of health and social care – how they connect and what makes our work special, as well as the values and behaviours you need to display.

This resource, in conjunction with local induction and support, brings together a lot of the key information that has been shown to help people settle and be effective quickly.

The eLearning programme has been co-designed with over 2,000 staff and people who access care and support from across health and social care. It includes videos from people working in different roles across health and social care to show career opportunities.

Whilst the induction modules are not mandatory, health and social care organisations are encouraged to make access and participation readily available to all colleagues when a job offer is made.

The induction programme is designed to be used alongside organisation specific induction. It doesn’t replace or duplicate the Care Certificate, Manager Induction Standards or formal qualifications. The modules are designed to inform, guide and navigate new starters across complex organisations, sectors and joined up working.