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SEND Basic Awareness

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The SEND training assurance framework details five levels of competency that will support a healthcare professional in  their role and responsibilities depending on the level of engagement with children and young people up to the age of 25 with SEND and their families.

To prepare our Children and Young People with SEND for adulthood and help improve their wellbeing/life chances and health outcomes, all healthcare staff must have the competencies to understand the Children and Families Act, the SEND Code of Practice, the SEND Local Offer, reasonable adjustments, the graduated approach, and the Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment process. This will give an opportunity to improve childhood wellbeing through enhanced knowledge and understanding by the health workforce. The competency framework will support partnership working and strive for ambitious outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

This document provides a clear framework which identifies the competencies required for all healthcare staff. Levels 1-3 relate to different occupational groups, while level 4 and 5 are related to specific roles. 

Level 1: All staff including non-clinical managers and staff working in healthcare services.

Level 2: Minimum level required for non-clinical and clinical staff who, within their role, have contact with CYP up to the age of 25years with SEND.

Level 3: All clinical staff working with CYP with SEND would potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and/ or evaluating the needs of a CYP with SEND  

Level 4:  professionals leading on the SEND agenda i.e., Executive Lead / SRO for  SEND, SEND Lead/ Champions, service leads within CYP services, Childrens commissioners

Level 5: Designated professionals including the Designated Health Officer ( DHO)