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NHS England South East: Supporting Internationally Recruited Radiographers

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This short course is designed to help Radiographers, who have been internationally recruited, to settle into their new role in the South East and enable them to make a valued contribution to the NHS in England.

Enrol onto the course

You can enrol onto the course via the NHS Learning Hub. Please note: you will need to sign in to the Learning Hub to access to the resource.

Course objectives

  • To support radiographers with their transition into the workplace.
  • To enhance practical ability to deal professional challenges.
  • To improve knowledge and awareness (in terms of language relating to the workplace.)

Course sessions

  1. Welcome to the NHS in the South East
  2. Living in the South East
  3. Communicating with Patients and Service Users
  4. Language and Communication
  5. An Inclusive Workplace
  6. Wellbeing

Learning outcomes

  • Know what to expect in terms of language related to the workplace when you start work within your department.
  • Have an improved level of awareness of the challenges you might encounter in your workplace.
  • Have an enhanced ability to deal practically with professional challenges relating to language and challenges within your workplace.

This course is co-produced by NHS England South-East and Plymouth Marjon University.

Further information

Please email the SouthEast AHP Team.