AHP Enhanced Practice

Enhanced practice is a level of practice within the healthcare workforce. It covers the graduate professional workforce delivering the majority of clinical activity, those who have moved beyond novice/competent and who are not working at the level of advanced practice. This is a highly valued, broad and essential level of practice within the workforce for whom training and development to maximise their professional skills and capability is a vital aspect of building safe and effective services, workforce productivity and retaining our staff.
People working at enhanced level practice will use a wide variety of job titles and are experienced registered professionals (first level statutory registration or a managed voluntary registration) who undertake complex work and manage day to day risk, including risks on behalf of, or with people. Enhanced practice occurs in multiple settings including secondary, community, primary and social care.
NHS England commissioned the development of schemas and model curricula to support the development of allied health profession-specific programmes in order to increase the scope of the delivery of the Enhanced Clinical Practitioner apprenticeship and to elevate those professions where there is less accredited training available at this level of practice.
These schemas are intended to sit alongside and inform other Enhanced Level Practice education and training programmes that exist currently or that are developed in the future.