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NHSE SE AHP Practice Educator Training Programme

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The AHP Practice Educator Training Programme has been designed for any healthcare professional involved in student placements across the Southeast. 

The aim of this training programme is to:
•    Make widely available an accessible multi-unit e-learning programme available to all AHPs, AHP practice educators and healthcare professionals across the Southeast
•    Offer a standard level of practice educator training and development across all the AHPs
•    Improve the knowledge and skills of practice educators to support quality learning environments
•    Increase practice educators’ confidence to supervise learners and support them to develop in their role as an educator
•    Improve students’ experience of practice-based learning 
•    Improve understanding of the importance of practice-based learning and value the role of the practice educator 
•    Encourage more AHPs to become practice educators

This training programme has been developed in partnership with the University of Winchester and in collaboration with various AHP colleagues who have contributed to both the content development and review of the training programme.