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Early Leadership AHP Network (ELAN)

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ELAN is the Early Leadership AHP network; managing the knowledge around pre registrant and early registrant AHP leadership development. ELAN community can be found on NHS Futures.


ELAN is a central repository and accessible sharing platform for resources that guide planning and support delivery and evaluation of pre registrant leadership focussed activities, including placement design and delivery. There are links to learning activities, guides, resources, activity, providing a platform for knowledge sharing; highlighting best practice. ELAN is for all stakeholders to add resources and build on the knowledge of early AHP leadership in practice.


Leadership is one of the core pillars of AHP practice. Some resources, stories, case examples and guidance will translate in practice across the four pillars, empowering learners in new environments. Resources that tackle unwanted variation and social justice will be invited.


Members of this community, and users of this space should respect a continuous learning process and the managers of this space will endeavour to update the files to reflect contemporary learning, and ensure there is evidence for wide use to provide guidance and meaning to the importance of AHP leadership.


Topics including; the language of leadership, reflections and mind maps, stories, planning and delivering, courses, self-development, placement evaluation, placement allocation, EDI, standards of practice, include links to images, infographics, videos, cartoons, documents, case studies, social cards, snippets and other accessible information. Resources and signposting for registrants may include advice for CPD, mentorship, scholarship and careers.