TRFT EPR Systems eLearning
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Ward Nurse

This e-learning course and the assessment will take approximately 2 hours 45 minutes

The Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR)

Ward Nurse Blended Course eLearning Topics


Printing Wristband

Patient Preferred Name

Same Ward Transfers

Direct or Emergency Transfers

Direct Admissions to a Ward for Unscheduled Care 16-18 Year Old

Register a Direct Admission to AMU, SAU, CAU & B11

How to Directly Admit a Patient to a Ward

Block a Bed

Unblock a Bed

Create a Bed Reservation

How to Admit a Patient from ED to a Ward

Transfer a Patient from Bed Reservation List

Cancel a Bed Reservation

Change Consultant/Specialty

Transfer a Patient from ED to an SDEC

Directly Register a Patient to SDEC

Admit a Patient from SDEC to the Ward

Discharge a Patient from SDEC

Overview of the PCS Status Board (Patient Care System)

Overview of Worklist and Patient's EMR

Connected Vitals - Meditech Process

How to Edit Patient Demographic Details

Allergy and Adverse Reactions

Ordering Tests

Cancelling Tests

Collect Specimens

Reprinting Lab Labels

Nursing Care Plan

Task Management (Hospital at Night Team)

Electronic Nursing Handover

IDT Single Referral Form

How to Complete SSKIN Bundle

How to Edit a Nursing Assessment

Locating and Completing Referrals for Inpatients

Teletracking Porter Order

Viewing External Data

Adding or Removing a Nursing Assessment

Discharge Checklist

Discharge Patient

How to Print the Electronic Discharge Letter

How to print the Wound Care Assessment for the District Nurse

EPMA - Patient Group Directives (PGD's)

EPMA - Administering Medication from the MAR

EPMA - Provide TTO's

EPMA - Unscheduled Medication

EPMA - Medicines Requisition

EPMA - Cosigning

Viewing Provide TTO Information via the TTO Report

EPMA - Viewing Medications

Register a REG REF Patient

Admit a REG REF Patient

Edit a REG REF

Discharge a REG REF Patient

Ward Nurse Evaluation Form

Ward Nurse Assessment