Provider's catalogue badgeTest


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Core Managers: Inclusive Leadership in Health and Care

Core Managers: Inclusive Workplaces (Creating a Psychological Contract)

Core Managers: Noticing and Challenging Microaggressions

Core Managers: Effective Allyship in Health and Care

Core Managers: Increasing Disability Positivity

Foundations in System Leadership: Collaborating for Health and Care

Genomics in the NHS: A Clinician's Guide to Genomic Testing for Cancer (Solid Tumours)

Genomics in the NHS: A Clinician's Guide to Genomic Testing for Rare Disease

Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care

Introduction to Organisational Development

Lactation After Loss: Choices for Bereaved Parents

Loss of a Baby in Multiple Pregnancy: Supporting Grieving Parents

Managing Uncertainty in Perinatal Medicine and Palliative Care

Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation - Step One

Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation - Step Two

Safeguarding Adults: Level 3 Training

Social Care During COVID-19: Coping with Self-Isolation and Social Distancing

Starting Out in Health and Social Care Research

Supporting People with Health Conditions Into Work: Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

Supporting People with Health Conditions into Work: IPS Case Management

Supporting People with Health Conditions Into Work: Job Retention Strategies

Supporting Individuals with Health Conditions Into Work: The Role of the Clinical Team

The School For Change Agents

Train The Healthcare Trainer

Working with People and Communities to Improve General Practice in Primary Care

Working with People and Communities to Improve Health Outcomes