MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
Provider's catalogue badge

Staff Wellbeing

Staff Wellbeing 'Zine' (PDF)

Safety Plan (PDF)

Mindfulness (webpage)

Mental Health Continuum (PDF)

How to Support Mental Health at Work (webpage)

How to Manage and Reduce Stress (webpage)

How to: Sleep Better (webpage)

How to: Mindfulness (webpage)

Exercise and Mental Health (webpage)

Head First: Mental Wellness Resources Designed for the Ambulance Service (webpage)

Reading Well- Mental Health Books (webpage)

Your Mind Plan (webpage)

Mental Wellbeing Tips (webpage)

Dealing With Life's Challenges (webpage)

Conversations on Burnout (webinar series)

Stress and the Impact in the Workplace

Health and Wellbeing Conversations (webpage)

Mental Health in the Workplace (webpage)

Talking Toolkit Aims to Reduce Work Stress (webpage)

Guidance on Prevention and Management of Stress at Work (webpage)

Supporting Our NHS People Experiencing Stress (webpage)

Healthy Workplaces: Improving Employee Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing- NICE Quality Standard (webpage)

Workplace Health: Management Practices- NICE Guidance (webpage)

Mental Wellbeing at Work- NICE Guidance (webpage)

MindEd Blue Light Services eLearning (webpage)

MindEd Top Tips for Blue Light Staff (webpage)

Body Scan Guided Meditation (podcast)

Grounding Guided Meditation (podcast)

Positivity Guided Meditation (podcast)

Meaningful Conversation - Responding to suicide and its impact (video)

A moment of mindfulness (video)

Relaxation technique (webpage)

Body scan relaxation (audio)

Distraction techniques (PDF)

Looking after your mental health (PDF)

Tips for better sleep (PDF)

Affirmations (PDF)

Ease morning anxiety (webpage)

Wellness toolkit (PDF)

Every Mind Matters (website)

Leading with compassion: supporting the health and wellbeing of NHS staff (podcast)

Exercise and wellness during shift work (podcast)

Say no to burnout (podcast)

Building your "WELLTH" (wellbeing) (podcast)

Resilience, Stress and Imposter Syndrome (podcast)

Sleeping well (webpage)

Feeling overwhelmed (webpage)

Coping after a traumatic event (webpage)

Blue light together (webpage)

Emotional Wellbeing and The Healthcare Workforce: A Review (article)

Supporting mental health at work (webpage)

Maintaining Mental Health and Wellness for Healthcare Professionals (podcast)

Family Support Handbook (PDF)

Prevention of suicide in the ambulance service (PDF)

Guidance for managers on psychosocial support and mental wellbeing of ambulance personnel in a pandemic crisis (PDF)

Paramedic mental health and wellbeing (webpage)

Supporting ambulance staff on mental health and wellbeing (PDF)

WAST Keep Talking (video)

Supporting ambulance staff on mental health and wellbeing (webpage)

TRiM Factsheet

Mental health and help seeking among trauma-exposed emergency service staff: a qualitative evidence synthesis (article)

Resources supporting our mental health and wellbeing (webpage)

Breathing and mindfulness (podcast)

The mental health benefits of storytelling for healthcare workers (video)

Lifestyle changes to help your mental health (podcast)

Shifting our view of self care (podcast)

Why it's good to have hobbies (podcast)

The Mental Health Benefits of Decluttering (podcast)

How to win the morning (podcast)

Secondary Trauma (podcast)

PTSD in EMT (video)

A quick tip for changing your thoughts (video)

Mental health and paramedicine (video)

Burnout and practical ways to heal and recover (podcast)

The cure for burnout (hint: it isn't self care) (podcast)

Self care is not selfish (podcast)

A look into imposter syndrome (podcast)

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains (video)