Mini Mouth Care Matters (Mini MCM-National)
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Mini Mouth Care Matters Alder Hey Videos

These digital resources are oral health videos aimed at children and young people staying in hospital about how to look after their teeth.

It includes key oral health messages from Delivering Better Oral Health evidence-based Toolkit for prevention.

The concept is that the key oral health messages can be utilised by all the family, with more acceptance and understanding as coming from their peers.

These videos have been developed as part of Mini Mouth Care Matters programme in Alder Hey with support of funding from Liverpool City Council and Alder Hey Charities.

Focus groups were held with Alder Hey Youth Group Forum as well as staff focus groups for their input and involvement in the co-development of these videos.

The filming of these videos took place within Alder Hey Children' Hospital.

How to complete a Mouthcare Assessment: Mini Mouth Care Matters: Staff Training

Save your teeth from sugar: Mini Mouth Care Matters: Importance of Diet

Taking care of your teeth: Mini Mouth Care Matters: Importance of Oral Health