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NCA Systems Training

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The NCA System training Catalogue is available for all NCA staff that require access to any of the following systems at Salford Care Organisation:
• Patient Centre
• SystmOne
• G2
• Medisec

Managers notify the training team when they have a start date and will then book staff onto the relevant training course. For some of the more complex systems we train on, you will be required to attend face to face training as governed by our Information governance and lead clinicians.

We do however realise that due to varied shift patterns, it is sometimes difficult for staff to attend face to face course. The Catalogue provides an alternative form of training for those courses that are not mandated. These are e-learning packages that must be completed before system access will be issued but can be completed in your own time and a pace to suit you.

 The Training team have direct links with Learning and Development Digital Awareness team for those staff who feel they would benefit from basis skills training. We also offer access to a free resource offered via the Digital Learning Solutions- IT Skills Pathway
The IT Skills Pathway provides access to training and assessment products covering the full range of the main Microsoft Office products, from basic through to advanced. Its purpose is to encourage everyone working with IT to review their current IT skills and knowledge against recognised standards, determine what their skill gaps are and then identify their current and future training requirements based on the products that are available.