Enhanced Modules for Allied Health Professionals Working in Neonatal Care
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Co-production, delivering education to parents

Co-production is essential to develop and grow AHP neonatal services. Co-production is an equal partnership where people with lived and learnt experience work together from the beginning to the end. It is based on a culture of core values and behaviours which include:

  • Ownership, understanding and support of co-production by all
  • A culture of openness and honesty
  • A commitment to share decisions
  • Clear communication
  • Parents and families are valued and respected 

Knowledge mobilisation is a term used in healthcare literature to describe the iterative, active, and collaborative process of creating, sharing and using research evidence to contribute to improving healthcare services. All forms of knowledge, such as experience (both healthcare professional and lived experience), values and beliefs should be considered, not just scientific factual knowledge.  
‘Co’ approaches methods can be used to design and develop new services or make improvements to existing ones and can include patient pathways of care, development of digital products, and developmental of patient resources. 

Co-design is often used in the context of developing complex interventions. 
Co-design methods can frame the issue to develop mutual understandings of lived experiences and challenges face by service users. Co-design can also help to shape a shared vision for the future. 
In co-design, decision making is shared equally throughout the process.

Collaborative Knowledge generated by academics working alongside other stakeholders and is based on knowledge generation and production rather than knowledge translation.

Shine a light on co-production

Co-production using the Always Events® quality improvement methodology

Different ways of working with people and communities

Coalition for personalised care - co-production

Experience-based co-design