Provider's catalogue badgeTest

NHSE TEL Demo Catalogue

banner image

Demo catalogue for NHS England's Technology Enhanced Learning Team.


This should include a full description of the catalogue including objectives and target audience, collaboration with partnering organisations.


Maximum number of characters 1800.


Banner and badge images are optional but help to make your catalogue more eye catching and identifiable to your target audience.


  • Banner - Minimum size 1200px X 300px

This is a minimum size required to display a good quality banner image on the catalogue page. If the banner supplied is smaller than 1200px X 300px, the catalogue banner image will look blurred and low quality.  Please submit in the following format: .png .jpg

Top tip: Banners that have a coloured background often look better than those with a white background because the edges of the banner are visible and they line up neatly with the rest of the layout of the page.

  • Badge - 240pxX 240px 

Add the file name of your catalogue badge. Badges must be supplied in 240px X 240px and in the following format: .png .jpg .gif .svg


You may also include to choose a link to another wesbite such as the Learning Hub