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Psychologically-Informed Neonatal Care

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Psychosocial support should be available to all families on the neonatal unit, regardless of the gestation of their baby, type of birth or level of obvious distress. Good psychosocial support includes the entire neonatal workforce and is enacted in every interaction staff have with an infant, their parents and the wider family. Good psychosocial support does not end at discharge. These families continue to be at risk of difficulties which impact on their wellbeing and functioning, including ongoing mental health difficulties in both parent and child. 

Psychologically-informed care is all about building relationships and extending compassion and empathy to those around you. These are hard concepts to communicate via an elearning package. These modules will never contain everything you need to know, but may give you cause for reflection on your practice and how you can enhance it to offer more psychologically-informed care.

Target audience: The neonatal workforce