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Radiation Safety for Staff
The e-RADS e-learning resource addresses the regulatory requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, which requires that staff who are not closely involved with the work involving ionising radiations are provided with suitable information to avoid being unnecessarily exposed.
e-RADS is aimed at those staff that work in areas where patients are exposed to x-rays or treated with radioactive substances who would not normally receive any formal training to work with radiation e.g. ward and theatre staff. Staff who undertake practical aspects of the radiation exposure of patients, or who justify medical exposures should also refer to the e-IRMER sessions on the elfh platform.
This resource was originally located on the elfh hub and was first published on 13 December 2012. It was reviewed and updated in 2020, with Mark Knight as Module Editor, and it migrated on to the Learning Hub on 16 August 2024.