NHS England Safe Learning Environment Charter


A healthy working environment is one with kind and supportive staff who proactively support learners. Supervisors and assessors must recognise their role in promoting a psychologically safe environment. Supervisors and assessors should support learners to adjust to practice placements in the clinical environment, with manageable workloads appropriate to their level of proficiency and level of training. This will enable the future workforce to practice in a psychologically safe way. 

Maternity and Neonatal Resource Hub

Supporting our NHS people/health-and-wellbeing programmes - NHS England

Supporting our NHS people

Support available for our NHS people - Mental health support

Care under Pressure 2: work psychological ill-health for nurses, midwives and paramedics - University of Surrey

Workplace conditions

Workplace conditions

Talking Tool kit: Preventing work related stress (HSE)

Tackling work-related stress using the Management Standards approach

Work related stress and how to manage it - HSE

Risk assessment: Template & examples (HSE)

St Johns Ambulance - mental health risk assessment (PDF)

Do-OD-Team-Toolkit (PDF)

Supporting NHS Staff Wellbeing Through Organisational interventions - the society of occupational medicine

Wellbeing Conversations