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Safe Learning Environment Practitioner Training

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This workbook is intended to guide you through all the necessary learning for you to become a Safe Learning Environment Practitioner (SLEP). This document includes direction on engaging in online learning resources needed to fulfil your SLEP training.
Learning resources are found on the NHS Learning Hub and you will need to use your NHS email address to log into this platform. Please use this workbook to form part of your personal continuing professional development.
1. What is a Safe Learning Environment Practitioner (SLEP)?
The SLEP programme aim is to empower practice-based learning providers to facilitate positive learning experiences for apprentices and students. Safe Learning Environment Practitioners will meet with learners in their workplaces to undertake coaching conversations. These interactions are aimed to employ principles of psychological safety and restorative supervision to foster positive department learning experiences and cultures.
2. What is beyond the scope of a SLEP?
It is not expected that SLEP’s take on the role of a counsellor for learners. SLEP’s should always remain with the scope of practice outlined. SLEP’s should be confident of where to signpost learners should significant or concerning issues arise within SLEP conversations.
3. Modules
This SLEP training is organised into three modules:
Creating safe educational spaces
Coaching conversations
Restorative Supervisions  
You will complete these modules in sequence, building upon your knowledge as you progress through the content.