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Stoma, Internal Pouch and Enteric Fistula Care
The training module provides essential information on the anatomy and physiology of gastrointestinal and urinary tract, stoma, fistulae, and internal pouch care. The module covers related complications and their management, as well as preventative measures that can be taken to avoid complications. The content provides a practical video tutorial on step-by-step stoma appliance change (stoma bag change) and covers dietary advice for different types of stomas and internal pouch, as well as management of enteric fistulae.
By completing the module, learners will:
- Understand the role of a stoma/pouch nurse specialist.
- Understand the term stoma and different types of stomas.
- Recognise the reasons or indications for stoma formation surgery.
- Highlight the importance of post-op stoma care.
- Understand basic stoma complications management.
- Understand basic Enterocutaneous fistula (ECF) management.
- Understand basic Ileoanal Pouch care management.
- Understand the role of ward nurses in stoma & pouch care.