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National Work Experience Resources

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This is a free centralised catalogue to share, house and access resources, information, tools, and guidance to support health and social care staff to facilitate, manage and deliver, work experience (WEx), online / in-person work related-learning (WRL) and careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG).  See definitions below.

WEx - happens in the workplace and allows people to experience what it’s like to undertake a job. Can include hands-on experience, insights, observation, and work shadowing.

WRL - online or in-person. Provides a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge required in the workplace through curated content, including clear learning outcomes. Can include skills events, simulation, demonstrations, scenarios, and Technology Enhanced Learning methods.

CIAG - can be online or in-person and aims to inform and inspire. Information presented may include an overview of the NHS, health and social care, job opportunities, skills required, qualifications, training routes and application processes. Examples include webpages, day in the life videos, careers fairs, open days, competitions, and webinars. Traditionally this activity is undertaken by NHS Health Careers.

Why not also join 370+ NHS staff members who are part of the National WEx Network, an MS Teams channel of discussion and sharing. Email:

To submit content please complete this submission form.  

It is recommended that the resources are reviewed and quality assured locally. The User Guidelines provide several attributes and principles which could be considered when developing and using resources within the catalogue. These documents and the search and navigation system will be regularly updated through an iterative process, as the Learning Hub develops its website.