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Primary care placements in the post-COVID era: A qualitative evaluation of a final year undergraduate clerkship
We evaluated how the changes to primary care since the start of the pandemic have impacted the nature and value of learning medicine in this environment. We did this because there was national concern that the shift away from face-to-face consultations during GP placements would negatively impact student’s learning. Our published evaluation was the first to document the nature of learning medicine in primary care since the major changes to general practice that occurred from 2020 onward. We found that these changes to the learning environment had actually increased the educational value of each patient contact and that telephone consultations had specific benefits for medical students.
This article is open access at the weblink.
Additional information
Published December 2021.
Resource details
Contributed by: | WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS) |
Authored by: |
Licence: | More information on licences |
Last updated: | 30 April 2024 |
First contributed: | 22 March 2024 |
Audience access level: | General user |
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