Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MY)
Provider's catalogue badgeTest

Personal and Professional Development (PPD)

Orbis Topic 1-12- Android


Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 12- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 11- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 10- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 9- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 8- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 7- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 6- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 5- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 4- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 3- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 2- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 1- IOS

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 12- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 11- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 10- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 9- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 8- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 7- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 6- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 5- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 4- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 3- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 2- Android

Orbis- Red Alert- Topic 1- Android

377 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Porters and Drivers

377 Reasonable Adjustments – MY Values into Action

377 Chest Xray Interpretation for Position of NG Feeding Tube

377 MY Values into Action- Recruit for Values

377 MY Values into Action- Appraise with Values

377 MY Values into Action- Respectful Resolution

377 Drivers Handbook

377 MY Values into Action- Leading with Values- Module 3- Be the change, see the impact

377 MY Values into Action- Leading with Values- Module 2- Great feedback, great results

377 MY Values into Action- Kindness into Action- Module 4- Kinder Feedback Approach

377 MY Personal Effectiveness- Interview Skills

377 MY Values into Action- Kindness into Action- Module 5- RECOVER, a positive summary

377 MY Values into Action- Kindness into Action- Module 3- Undoing unkindness

377 MY Values into Action- Kindness into Action- Module 2- Cultivating Kindness

377 MY Values into Action- Kindness into Action- Module 1- Setting the scene

377 MY Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

377 MY Doppler in Obstetrics- Sonographers

377 MY Doppler in Obstetrics- Midwives

377 MY Guidance of New Pelvic USS and ICE demo

377 MY Personal Effectiveness- Assertiveness

377 MY Ultrasound

377 MY Personal Effectiveness- Prioritisation

377 MY Fraud Awareness

377 MY Therapy Pain Physiological Changes in Pain

377 MY Therapy Pain Terms and Definitions

377 MY Therapy Pain Current Concepts in Managing Chronic Pain

377 MY Therapy Pain Interpretations of Pain

377 MY Safe Use of Insulin Prepare and Prescribe Assessment

377 MY Safe Use of Insulin Prepare and Prescribe


377 MY Recognition of the Deteriorating Child

377 MY Reason to Reside

377 MY Radiology

377 MY Purpose T Assessment Tool

377 MY Parkinson Medication

377 MY Introduction to Insulin Safety for Everyone Assessment

377 MY Introduction to Insulin Safety for Everyone

377 MY Health & Wellbeing Conversations

377 MY Entonox

377 MY Am I Talented?

377 MY Access to Acute Level 1