SCI Education Programme
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Skin management

In this folder there are resources related to the management of skin issues in people with SCI. If you have other resources you would like to share or any comemnts, please let us know, as we are growing these resources.

Wounds UK Best Practice Statement 2024

MSKTC Skin care after SCI Part 1

MSKTC Skin care after SCI Part 2

MSKTC Skin care after SCI Part 3

Skin Care for SCI patients - NSIC Patient Education

Pressure care- Spinal Injuries Association factsheet

Stop the Pressure - risk assessment - moisture due to perspiration, urine, faeces or exudate

Stop the Pressure - risk assessment - perfusion

Pressure Ulcers - Stop the Pressure Campaign 2022

Stop the Pressure - risk assessment - independent movement

Reference list for pressure ulcers in acute spine - needs updating

Tissue viability and acute spinal cord injury

Barts Skin care guidelines for incontinent patients including incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD)

Barts Pressure Ulcers compared to Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (Moisture Lesions)

Barts honey dressing application for moderate/severe incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD)

Barts Skin care guidelines

RNOHT Pressure Ulcer Prevention Policy

Skin Care and Pressure Sores

LSCIC Patient education video on the importance of skin care

Skin management resources

EPUAP Skin management in SCI