Dorset County Hospital Foundation Trust

Statutory and Mandatory eLearning at DCH

Statutory and Mandatory eLearning at DCH

DCH - Cyber Security - Ransomware

DCH - Local Information on Safeguarding Adults Level 2 at DCHFT

DCH - Conflict Resolution

DCH - End of Life Care, a general awareness

DCH - Safe use of Insulin

DCH - Childs Play Video for Moving and Handling Level 2

DCH - Mental Capacity Act and Deprivations of Liberty Safeguards Level 1

DCH - Fire Safety Awareness for all staff

DCH - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for all staff

DCH Safeguarding Children level 1

DCH - Safeguarding Adults Level 1 for all non-clinical staff

DCH - Dementia Awareness eLearning for all non-clinical staff

DCH Information Governance and Data Security