Inclusive training within practice for healthcare learners and international staff

Intercultural Communication

This section offers an interactive e-learning package for all staff, and two peer support videos for international staff and learners.

E-learning Package:

‘Doing Better’ is an e-learning package suitable for all staff working with international staff and learners.

It aims to enhance understanding of intercultural communication and effective communication with international staff and learners. 

Peer Support Videos

Peer support videos offer international staff and learners with support in navigating the intercultural communication issues they may face living, studying and working in the UK.

Staff and learners share their lived experience of the surprises and challenges they encountered communicating in the UK, how they overcame some of those challenges, and top tips for survival and success.

*Note - the term ‘international' describes staff or learners who may be new or relatively new to the UK.

These resources incorporate the Inclusive Training within Practice Project’s two golden threads and three key themes:

Golden Threads: 1) Critical Race Theory 2) Avoiding the Deficit Model

Key Themes: 1) Racial Literacy 2) Power Dynamics 3) Reflective and Reflexive Practice

These resources have been developed by Kynfolk for the Inclusive Training within Practice Project with insights and feedback from healthcare placement providers, education providers, learners and staff from across the South West.